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To execute these procedures described in this page is required to be connected to *dev* or *prod* through *vnc*.

## Check Hadoop HDFS Status

Visit the URL:

Restart this service may corrupt the HBase data.

## Check HBase Status


The URL above must show at least one *Region Server*. If the page is not available, the HBase is off-line.

### Maintainance

* Restart the *Master* connected on the *dev* server:

$ lxc-attach -n hb-node3 — /etc/init.d/hbase-master restart

* Restart the *Region-server* connected on the *dev* server:

$ lxc-attach -n hb-node4 — /etc/init.d/hbase-regionserver restart

## Check OpenTSDB Status


### Maintainance

OpenTSDB may create a large cache over long periods of use. Restarting it may free 90% of its memory used

* Restart OpenTSDB servers:

$ for i in 3 4; do lxc-attach -n hb-node$i — /etc/init.d/opentsdb restart && sleep 10 ; done