Check the service status for Hadoop HDFS / HBase / OpenTSDB

By |2019-03-22T10:00:48+00:00March 22nd, 2019|Hbase, HDFS, Infrastructure, OpenTSDB|

To execute these procedures described in this page is required to be connected to *dev* or *prod* through *vnc*. ## Check Hadoop HDFS Status Visit the URL: Restart this service may corrupt the HBase data. ## Check HBase Status Visit: The URL above must show at least one *Region Server*. If the page [...]

Solving LXC containers issues related to TLS/SSL/HTTPS

By |2017-01-10T17:00:37+00:00January 2nd, 2017|Infrastructure|

When you are inside a LXC container you can experience errors (more like a freeze) when you try to access the virtual network (veth) using crypto resources like wget, ssh and other (so, maven will fail, git will fail and other apps that uses TLS and SSL). This is a mtu issue. You must to [...]

UPS: Maintenance and retrieving information

By |2016-12-13T11:29:58+00:00December 13th, 2016|Development, Reminders|

Maintenance UPS init scripts are the following: /etc/init.d/upsdrv (initialize the driver infraestructure) /etc/init.d/upsd (ups daemon) /etc/init.d/upsmon (ups monitoring utility - programmed to shut down the system when battery is critically low and power is unplugged) Retrieving UPS info (all): upsc myups@localhost This command can also be executed in user mode (does not need [...]

Hbase tables backup

By |2018-07-26T13:39:50+00:00November 28th, 2016|Hbase|

Here is an sample for backup hbase tables. In this example we are exporting OpenTSDB tables. First it's necessary to export tables do the HDFS and then execute -get to save the files in the local system. #!/bin/bash DATAREF=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"` BKPDIR=/backup/$DATAREF mkdir $BKPDIR sudo -u hdfs hadoop dfs -rm -f -r /dump-tsdb sudo -u [...]

Cleaning OpenTSDB schema on Hbase (normal and crash situations)

By |2018-07-26T13:39:50+00:00November 25th, 2016|Hbase, Infrastructure|

Suppose that for any reason you need to clean the OpenTSDB schema. There is an easy way, you can do: $ hbase shell hbase(main):001:0> disable 'tsdb' hbase(main):002:0> disable 'tsdb-meta' hbase(main):003:0> disable 'tsdb-tree' hbase(main):004:0> disable 'tsdb-uid' hbase(main):005:0> drop 'tsdb' hbase(main):006:0> drop 'tsdb-meta' hbase(main):007:0> drop 'tsdb-tree' hbase(main):008:0> drop 'tsdb-uid' Ok, no problem. Just 'disable' and then [...]

How to setup and start using a VirtualEnv

By |2015-12-16T12:34:40+00:00December 16th, 2015|Development|

First you need to install the following packages: Python Pip Virtualenv Now you need to follow these steps: cd /home/myuser/myvenvs virtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute mynewvenv If you want to use a custom version of python, use this command instead: virtualenv -p /opt/python-2.7.3/bin/python2.7 --no-site-packages --distribute mynewvenv Where /opt/python-2.7.3/bin/python2.7 is the python binary you want to use (virtualenv [...]

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