Reservoirs Management



In 2012, Cemig started the development of the Research and Development (R&D) project called “INTEGRATED INTELLIGENT SYSTEM WITH WEB AND MOBILE TECHNOLOGY FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT”, in partnership with FAPEMIG and UNIFAL and having Venidera as one of the main executors. The Project, completed in 2016, aimed to develop specialist systems to assist decision-making in emergency situations involving dams and reservoirs. Thus was born the inspiration of the “Proximidade” Platform, a system called the “Georeferenced Support System for the Operation Command System”: the SGA-SCO. At the time, a WEB system was created to support the management of contingency plans for emergency situations and communication with interested parties. The main functionalities were to assist civil defense agencies in mapping risk areas, creating escape plans, gathering information, resources and points of interest that are useful in the process of managing emergencies in disasters, in addition to issuing warning signs .

Expanding the scope of the relationship with communities program, Cemig in partnership with Venidera sought to develop an application with the objective of being yet another channel of information for populations influenced by the variation of river levels. Thus, in 2018, the SGA-SCO was used as a basis for the development of the Proximity Platform, which incorporated operating data from Cemig’s reservoirs to the platform. Proximidade also allows a more effective communication with the community through georeferenced registration fo the inhabitants themselves through the mobile application. Through the WEB platform it is still possible to view and print maps at different scales and types, such as satellite photo, street guide and terrain map, in addition to sending alerts to selected areas. Regarding the information that may compose the mappings, we highlight:

  • Geographical points related to inhabitants for counting and defining specifications for the evacuation of risk areas;
  • Geographic points related to resources such as vehicles, shelters, hospitals, etc;
  • Risk areas at different degrees of probability and risk severity;
  • Analysis of areas in relation to variations in relief and elevation and distances;
  • Escape routes for each mapped risk area.

The “Proximidade” Platform is, therefore, a powerful web tool to support civil defense bodies and, especially, to COMPDECs (Municipal Coordination for Civil Protection and Defense), which are the municipal bodies responsible for the execution, coordination and mobilization of all actions of civil defense in the municipalities. Basically, all information and planning performed at Proximidade can be printed at any time, preferably, before disastrous events, given the need for computer equipment and services such as electricity and internet are available. In this way, the municipality can build and update its Contingency and Response Plans and leave them ready for use whenever needed. Specially when dealing with disasters. Still, the mapped information can still be used for training and simulations, facilitating the work of management and assessment of risk and disaster planning. It is also worth mentioning that the mapping information can be easily updated so that it is possible to maintain consistent supporting documentation for use whenever the Operations Command System is activated.

Bellow is a tutorial video that illustrates how the “Proximidade” Platform works.

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I Accept

IRIS (2016-2020)


The IRIS project aims to address questions related to the massive penetration of intermittent power sources (such as wind and solar) into the Brazilian grid, covering aspects ranging from electrical and operational issues to regulatory improvements to cope with this new scenario.

The IRIS project counts with the support of federal agencies and institutes such as EPE (governmental research company), ANEEL (local regulator) and ONS (local ISO).

CEMIG R&D (2013-2015)


As the main executor, Venidera led this project whose main objective was to develop new models and technologies to improve the diagnosis of dam failures and also the response time in cases of critical events. With this, innovative models were developed to monitor the state of CEMIG dams and two decision support systems were developed: an internal tool for dam assessment and emergency support and an external tool for emergency preparedness. Many extraordinary results have already been obtained and published. Among them, one paper in the ICFM6 “(6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLOOD MANAGEMENT)“, one paper in the XXXI SNGB “(XXXI National Seminar on Large Dams)” and one other paper in the DW2018 “(Dam World 2018)“.

ANEEL Strategic Call R&D (2010-2012)


While Ph.D. researchers, Marcos Leone Filho (Venidera’s co-founder), André Toscano (Venidera’s co-founder) and Makoto Kadowaki (Venidera’s team member) actively contributed in this project helping to build a non-linear deterministic optimization model for the Brazilian National Interconnected System. The goal of this model was to provide individualized optimization dispatch decisions for planning the Brazilian generation system. Moreover, parallel computing and a computer cluster were used to cope with the huge processing times of this model.

Duke/Unicamp R&D (2008-2012)


In 2008, André Emilio Toscano (Venidera’s co-founder) and Makoto Kadowaki (Venidera’s team member) actively participated in the implementation of this research and development project which goal was to define a technique for automatic validation of the post-operational data of hydroelectric generator units to improve operation’s decision support models of Duke Energy.

CESP/Unicamp R&D (2007-2008)


In 2007, André Emilio Toscano (Venidera’s co-founder) and Makoto Kadowaki (Venidera’s team member) actively participated in the implementation of this research and development project that aimed to produce revenue short term forecasts using a computational system to forecast the hydroelectric generation dispatch for the plants of the SIN (Brazilian National Interconnected Electric System) by load levels on weekly basis integrated with the CESP’s corporate management system.

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